Monday, March 14, 2011

No need to crawl, just roll

Today I decided that I would make at least *one* dinner (from scratch) while on my maternity leave. I figured 6 months off should equate to one home-cooked meal for my hubby. (By the way, I made a chicken casserole, and it was delicious!)

So while I'm cooking away in the kitchen, and I let Nolan roll and play around in the living room. I turned away from him for literally 1 minute, and the little man had rolled almost 3 feet across the room!

This guy has figured out how to get around without crawling...just roll to the desired destination!

My Nolan Bear is amazing!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Always missing the action!

For a few weeks now, Nolan has been able to flip from his belly to his back. Almost every time I put him on his belly, he'd roll right over.

However, I had not *witnessed* him rolling over on from his back to his belly. I found him in his crib ~2 weeks ago on his belly, so he obviously had made the flip....of course I missed it :(
Then again this morning, I was working on his "rollover technique" with him, and he *almost* flipped from his back to his belly - but his poor little arm was stuck under him and he couldn't quite make the entire flip. So I left the room for 2 minutes (nature called!), and voila! He had done a full flip from his back to his belly, and in his "push-up" position! But, of course, I failed to witness that one, either. Sigh.

Oh well, at least I was on the premises when it happened :)

All I have to say is: Go Nolan-man! You are one amazing baby!! You make mama proud every day!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Run errands...or snuggle?

I have errands I want to run, by my snuggly little Nolan man fell asleep on me. I can't bring myself to move from this position - life truly doesn't get better than this. I really want to savor this time before I have to go back to work :(

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nolan a walker :)

Another great hand-me-down gift from Jenn & Jarrod: the walker! Nolan instantly loved it, definitely satisfying his I-need-to-be-moving-constantly requirement :)

Here is a video of Nolan in the walker for the first time:

Francis' Promotion! Woot!!

Today Francis got a really nice surprise from his boss - he was promoted to a Principal Engineer!!

Nolan and I couldn't be more proud!!!

Rainy day = snuggle in bed

It was kind of an overcast and rainy day today, so Nolan and I didn't get out to do too much. So it seemed like the perfect day to get into snuggle in bed and watch a cartoon.